Natascha Verdurmen

📞 31 651 818 011

Mellow Revolution

Family Constellations in Zeist

Welcome! Every month, Maaike, Floor, and I facilitate family constellations for women, men, and non-binary individuals in Zeist. You can participate as a representative or bring a question for a family constellation. Each morning, there are three spots available for question-bringers and six spots

for representatives


How can I participate?

There is certainly a place for you too. You can participate as a representative or bring a question for a family constellation. Each morning, there are three spots available for question-bringers and six spots for representatives.

The following dates have available spots:

Friday December 8, 2023

Friday January 26, 2024

The price for a question bringer is €75.
The price for a representative is € 15,-
For that you get delicious coffee, tea and treats.

It runs from 9:00 to 12:30. Coffee, tea, and treats are available from 9:00, and we start with the meditation at 9:30."

"The truth is nowhere to be found but within yourself"
Tao Meng

What is a family constellation?

A family or organizational constellation is an exceptionally effective method for gaining insight into the force field within which you or your organization operates. Many of our behaviors and patterns have their roots in the family we grew up in. A family or organizational constellation serves as a visualization of the patterns and associated dynamics you are grappling with, encompassing both your personal and professional life.

The constellation process begins by exploring the question posed by the person seeking insights. In family constellations, this process is typically shorter than in organizational constellations, as the latter involves a more complex layering. The setup creates space and clarity, revealing the movements that represent a step in the right direction for you or your organization. It provides insight into the undercurrents, highlighting what is necessary to progress.

In addition to family constellations, you can also reach out to us for workshops on family constellations, business constellations, private constellations, and systemic meditations.

Will we see you in Zeist soon?

Floor, Maaike, and Natascha, all coaches, found each other during the year-long Family Constellations training with Elmer Hendrix in 2022. In September 2022, we began offering accessible constellations to practice this powerful method of breaking patterns as much as possible. And it has been a success! Recommendations for our constellations are spreading like a warm fire throughout the Netherlands. We feel grateful and fulfilled. We couldn't have imagined last year that we would be here now. You are very welcome to come and experience it. Will we see you soon in Zeist?

WEEK 0: Introductions

Get acquainted, learn the rules of the game and get even more excited.

WEEK 1: What do you want to achieve?

Determining goals, setting intentions, finding out 'the why behind the why' and 15 Mellow Revolution guidelines.

WEEK 2: How do I conserve energy?

Quick habit scan. Find out what your specific energy providers and are energy guzzlers, including the assassins.

WEEK 3: Honoring your yeses and nos

Whose agenda do you mainly work on? How do you make sure it's yours?

WEEK 4: Discover the power of pleasure in habit change

Learn how to connect fun to your goals.

WEEK 5: About Sabotage

We investigate in your subconscious whether there may be more bad reasons than good reasons for wanting to achieve your goals.

WEEK 6: What does the rebel in you want?

We create an adventurous menu for the rebel who supports your goals and is not destructive and a warm, omar

mend menu for the loving you.

WEEK 7: The secret of the optimal state for change

We continuously strive for the optimal state in which you can make the best choices for yourself.

WEEK 8: Hoe nieuwsgierig ben jij? – Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie – 1

Nieuwsgierigheid is liefdevol en onontbeerlijk bij verandering.

WEEK 9: Bevrijd je persoonlijke kracht – Leer luisteren naar je intuïtie - 2 (persoonlijke sessie)

WEEK 10: Ervaar de kracht van erkenning We gaan op een andere manier oefenen met dankbaarheid.

WEEK 11: Het verschil tussen willen en wensen Je zult merken hoever je al gekomen bent.

WEEK 12: ‘Closing ritual’ en vooruitblik

Others about family constellations

“It was a beautiful morning. Maaike, Floor and Natascha provide a foundation of warmth and care within which the setups can unfold."


"What a special experience that was last Friday, Natascha. I'm glad I could be there. I think it was very good idea of the three of you to do this with the three of you. Approachable, familiar and loving"


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